Knowing, to better Protect
Our non-profit organization is focused on researching the biology, ecology and sociality of the killer whales that frequent Norwegian waters. We also focus on understanding how environmental change and anthropogenic stressors may be impacting the health of this unique population of killer whales and their prey. We use ground-breaking research methods, from chemical tracers in biopsy samples to biologging and photogrammetry, to resolve patterns of social relationships, feeding habits, contaminant exposure and health. Our work is multi-disciplinary, combining various data types with individual recognition. Using photo-identification as absolute foundation of our long-term studies, we ‘track’ individuals into the different life stages to characterize their life history, monitor population dynamics and forecast trends for the future. We work closely with other research organizations, stakeholders and local communities to ensure that our efforts are relevant to current research and conservation priorities. We use Citizen Science as another powerful tool to raise awareness and engage local communities. NOS is the curator of the Norwegian killer whale photo ID catalogue and database (spanning 1984 - present).